Monday, March 29, 2010

What we did in class March 29

Tonight John talked us through "Bad Machine." (Thank you, John). Check his blog for the details. Several of you - Lisa, Nic, Ryan, Melissa, & Yvonne also gave sort of mini-presentations on what you've got so far for Project 2 - and we brainstormed ideas. It sounds like you are getting the idea =

- make sure you have a literary focus (think back to those recurring discussions of what literature is & what it does);

- use the software in a way that creates an "experience" for the reader that is integral to your project's meaning.

For Wednesday, Lisa will talk to use about "Dawn," (Yvonne will be presenting on "Carving the possibilities" - but she has been transferred to a later date:

Lisa Dawn 3/31
Ryan Nio & Justine Storyland 4/7
Anna - let me know & Melissa Girls day out 4/12
Yvonne - "Carving the possibilities" Date TBD

You will spend the rest of the class polishing, finishing, "testing" your projects. Come to class with a "working" draft so your classmated can try them out + give you some feedback. You can either embed your project in your blog (using the links from the previous post) or bring it on a thumbdrive.

Also Blog 13: write your abstract for project to (patterned on the author descriptions in the Electronic Literature Collection pieces). Include a description of what your piece "does" / what it is about; the software & connections to other "literature", etc.

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