Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Class January 27

Tonight we talked about navigation, and reading strategies, and interpretation al a Pressman's article. But the fun part was checking out the texts she discussed in her article and thinking about what it meant to "read" them. Clearly not only in navigation part of the interpretive process, thinking about strategies for navigation is both part of reading these texts - and part of the experiential meaning we get out of that reading. If you are interested in learning more about Blue Hyacinth or Facade - there is lots out there on the net.

Meanwhile, over the weekend you are going to spend some time with Michael Joyce's Twelve Blue.

Blog 1: Describe some of the strategies you used to "read" Twelve Blue. Indicate what you did + what you hoped to achieve - and what you got out of doing whatever you did. I am hoping you will dig around in this text long enough to try out more than one strategy.

In class we are going to talk about both what the text is "about" and what it was like reading it, and how and whether the navigation - and the larger experience of reading this text - work together to create its meaning.

Hopefully we will also have some class time to start some brainstorming for the short hypertext writing assignment.

Great class tonight, and have a good weekend.

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