Friday, April 30, 2010

Great Class!

The show was AWESOME. Your presentations were well done and the audience (small but interested) was suitably impressed.

You can post a response to the feedback questions on your blogs or send comments via the course via email.

Thanks for your great work this term - and keep in touch.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Final details on the show

Turning in your work
Turn in your work by Tuesday night. Make sure I have clear directions for how to find + open+ run your work.
Also, create the blog entry (for directions, see the last heading for this post) that will serve as the entry screen for your texts

The Show - where and when.
The Show will be in the Nancy Dryfoos Gallery (to the right of the main door to the Library (facing CAS). Sam and I will set up the show Wednesday morning so it will be open by noon. We will close it after 8:00 pm.

You are expected to be at the show from 6 - 7:15 - the time for our class. If you could stay until 8:00, that would be nice because I am guessing we will take more than the 1 hour 15 minutes for our class for each of you to speak.

Your presentations at the show.
Beginning at 6:00, I will introduce you as a group to whoever happens to be in the gallery. Then, one by one, you will introduce each of your works (see below for the format regarding things to cover) and answer questions. We will move from computer to computer so you can do a "show & tell". Not all guests will necessarily listen to the speakers - but that is OK.

During your presentation you should: state the name of the piece and indicate the genre it connects to- for this discussion you might mention other works from the course that gave you ideas; also name the software you used and how it allowed you to do what you did; discuss the ideas central to your piece; and then talk a little about how to "play" or interact with your work. You might also want to ask if there are any questions.

We will use a Blog post as the resting screen for guests to access your work. This post should have:
1. a short bio where you describe yourself in terms of your interests, accomplishments, and aspirations.
2. The names of each of your texts along with short descriptions (as per the assignment sheets - include genre) + how to access/play them.
3. Anything else you would like to say.

This should be fun!

Showing and reception

The show is set. Sam has created a poster for us (which I could not manage to post on this blog) and it will be visible on campus tomorrow.

I am in the process of rustling up computers so it looks like this actually might happen.

Tonight - in class - you will talk through your short presentations on your work. If we get through, you can start on the reflective writing posted on the previous blog.

Teaching this class has expanded my perspectives on both literature and writing - and it has been FUN. I am looking to your comments for ideas about how to make this course even better. Thanks for your creativity and dedication - I feel really lucky we got to do this class.

Some reflections

Theoretical readings: were there enough? in the right order? did they go into enough depth? what would you like to read more about? anything you need to leave out?
Examples of genres: were there enough? in the right order? would would you like to read more of? anything you'd leave out?

Useful? Anything you'd add? Anything you'd ditch?

Project 1, Project2, Project 3 => Clear criteira? Appropriate criteria (did they move you deeper into your understanding of & facility creating electronic literary texts)?

Need more, shorter assignments? Fewer longer assignments?

Was feedback/support useful during + after the composing process?

Blogs: What were the blogs good for? What were they NOT good for? Would you keep blogs as a feature of the course and why? Anything you'd change

Review: How did this assignment contribute to your understanding of electronic literature? How did it contribute to your understanding of how to WRITE electronic literature? Would you keep this assignment – and why or why not? Anything you'd change?

How did this course affect your understanding of literature?
What did you learn about electronic literature?
What did you learn about writing electronic literature?
How did this course expand your proficiency with software? hardware?
Clearly composing electronic texts differs from writing print texts; how did this course affect your composing process?
What kind of students would you recommend this class to (or not)?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday, April 22

We continued to work on finishing up your final projects.

Come to class Monday with your work finished enough to give a little presentation. Have the set up (introduction/overview/how it works part of the assignment) finished so we can go over it and make sure it will work for the Exhibit. We will have a rehearsal/walk through of what you will say during your presentation at the Exhibit.

A link to your work, or an electronic copy can be handed in in class - or at the Writing Center on Tuesday if you need to make final revisions. Sam and I will set up Wednesday morning, and the show starts at noon.

We will also be doing some reflection on the course. I will post the prompt by class Monday, but I am guessing we will not have much time in class to do it. That will be your last Blog (sigh).

Have a great weekend, and see you on Monday.